Conspiracy or Fact?– Project Blue Beam

According to the Project Blue Beam theory posited by Serge Monast, NASA and the United Nations are trying to establish a totalitarian, one-world government.

Project Blue Beam was first proposed in the early 1990s by a journalist-turned-conspiracy theorist named Serge Monast. After taking an interest in the work of other conspiracy theorists, Monast began reading about secret societies and became particularly interested in theories about a potential New World Order — which served as the foundation for Project Blue Beam.

Monast’s theory focused most heavily on NASA and the UN — and their supposed four-step plan to achieve world domination.

This scene recently shot above Sequoia Park, CA has rekindled interest in an old conspiracy theory, which if you haven’t heard of it before has all the ingredients of a crappy futuristic movie!

People taking it seriously

Where it all began